Leetcode 1408 Link to heading
Given an array of string words. Return all strings in words which is substring of another word in any order.
String words[i] is substring of words[j], if can be obtained removing some characters to left and/or right side of words[j].
Example 1:
Input: words = ["mass","as","hero","superhero"]
Output: ["as","hero"]
Explanation: "as" is substring of "mass" and "hero" is substring of "superhero".
["hero","as"] is also a valid answer.
Example 2:
Input: words = ["leetcode","et","code"]
Output: ["et","code"]
Explanation: "et", "code" are substring of "leetcode".
Example 3:
Input: words = ["blue","green","bu"]
Output: []
My solution is not a good one. It’s just that this solution stuck in my head and i wanted to also learn how to implement trie in GO. But there are solutions better than this.
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type trieNode struct {
children [ALPHABET_SIZE]*trieNode
isWordEnd bool
type trie struct {
root *trieNode
func initTrie() *trie {
return &trie{
root: &trieNode{},
func (t *trie) insert(word string) {
wordLength := len(word)
current := t.root
for i := 0; i < wordLength; i++ {
index := word[i] - 'a'
if current.children[index] == nil {
current.children[index] = &trieNode{}
current = current.children[index]
current.isWordEnd = true
func (t *trie) findSub(word string) bool {
wordLength := len(word)
current := t.root
for i := 0; i < wordLength; i++ {
index := word[i] - 'a'
if current.children[index] == nil {
return false
current = current.children[index]
return true
type byLength []string
func (s byLength) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s byLength) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func (s byLength) Less(i, j int) bool {
return len(s[i]) < len(s[j])
func stringMatching(words []string) []string {
ret := make([]string, 0)
for i := len(words) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
trie := initTrie()
for j := len(words) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
if j != i {
fmt.Print(words[j], " ")
word := words[j]
for len(word) > 0 {
word = word[1:]
if trie.findSub(words[i]) {
ret = append(ret, words[i])
return ret